Rye & District Wheelers webpage is back!

with 2 Comments
We’ve been absent for a little while while we sorted out some issues with our website but now we’re very, very pleased to announce that we’re back.

You can get to us via http://www.ryewheelers.com/ or, if you can’t be bothered to type www, at ryewheelers.com.

Our members can post anything cycling / club related they want and it’ll reach our followers and hopefully spread the wheelers word. When we say anything what we actually mean is anything that our club secretary will permit. Having been with him on three spring classics this year we’re hard pressed to think of something he’d say no to!

Some wheelers love to oil their chains, others love to renovate old Chaz Roberts bikes, others love to ride 12 hour TTs and some even love to support those riding 12 hour TTs. We’re a club run for, and by, our members because we love to cycle and we would welcome anyone to join us (it’s £12 for a single).

Please spread the word on your social networks that if any cyclist is in the Rye & District area they are more than welcome to join us either for a ride or, if they really want to, as a member.

2 Responses

  1. Paul Simpson
    | Reply

    A huge thanks to John O’Connor for all his hard work in getting our Club Website up and running again, I hope everyone will agree how fresh it looks.
    Anyone is welcome to post, it will need to be approved by me but as it says above…


  2. Ralph Sperring
    | Reply

    Well done to John O’Connor, what a transformation to the web site just what the club needed. No excuses now for all members not to use it and post their cycling news etc.

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