Club Captains Winter Report.

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Dear all, 

I thought it would be a good idea to put a little note together on how the Captaincy is going and put out some ideas for the coming months.

Since taking on the role I have had the pleasure of riding, racing and sharing café stops with 35 club members, mixing it between the Sunday and week day rides where possible, Wednesday evening Chain Gang and New Years Day 10 mile TT. Considering some of the cold and sometimes wet and miserable conditions its great to see so many of us out and about. Watts App looks to be working well as the comms for all the different groups and an excellent tool for peer pressure where needed.

 I think on occasion it would be great to meet up as a club for a ride out and to do this I am putting a couple of ideas forward.

Captains Club Ride

Sunday Club run on 12th March from Appledore bridge at 0900 to Hythe Railway Café. Brief outline, meet at the bridge then get into groups. I will be very happy to act as a road captain for any group that feels they would like one and we all converge on the café at Hythe hopefully arriving at the same time. Enjoy a replen of what ever takes your fancy, share banter then retreat back to the bridge, home for tea and medals. Put it in your diary and I will update as we go along.

The second is a Club Treasure Hunt, this is in the very early stages but looking likely for August for a 30-40 mile jaunt around East sussex and Kent in small groups collecting clues. Steve Blattman, has very kindly offered to run with this, ill be helping out and will be looking for support nearer the time. Watch this space.

The third is a Train ride out bike ride back, similar to the group of Sunday riders who went out to meet the lands end to Rye riders. More on this to come.

As well as these rides, we are planning to start the presentation evenings in April kicking of with road side punctures and repairs. Some of us need it so on the agreed date and time bring a wheel and tool bag and get involved.

For those of you who use STRAVA, but are not in the Rye Wheelers get yourself on it, because as a club we are recording some excellent weekly mileage and its a great motivational tool should you need one and in good time routes with favourite café stops will be added.

On a personal note I am planning a full racing season starting with the 3 up TTT March 5th,    Club 10’s, through to the Club Champs, 12HR then onto the National Champs 24HR TT in July, (there’s a club record that needs my name on it).

Thanks for reading and I welcome any comments or ideas.
Ride safe


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