Message from the Club Captain.
Well done to all for embracing the new norm and continuing to restrict our ride groups to a maximum of 6. However , I do think we need to tighten up on how we meet for club rides at The bridge, because when passers by, come by and we are congregating in groups larger than six, ( albeit in a social distancing manner) it doesn’t look good on the club. This should also apply on where we go for our coffee/cake stops, so, where possible plan these in advance of meeting or at least leaving the bridge.
So, for the time being, we will do the following:
Sunday Club ride: Confirm in your watts app groups who is attending and where possible where you intend to have your cake/coffee stop. When you arrive at the bridge stay within your intended ride group, The Red group will meet on the bridge, the newly formed Pink group will meet just off from the bridge down the lane towards the Turkey farm where the cars are normally parked. The Black group will meet outside The Black Lion in Appledore, If there is any liaising to be done between groups it will be done by the Club Captain or nominated stand-in in his absence.
Weekday groups: Confirm attendance through watts app, where possible organise your groups of six prior to arriving at the bridge. On arrival at the bridge, one group (6 max) can meet on the bridge, 2nd group to meet just off from the bridge down the lane towards the Turkey farm where the cars are normally parked. Any liaising to be done between groups can be carried out by a nominated person.
Communication and cooperation are key factors to making this work and keeping us safe, keep an eye on your relative watts app groups and plan ahead.
Any queries please or any further points to put forward please do get in touch.
Keep safe
Dave Greenwood
Club Captain
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